Genes are sections of the long DNA molecule coiled up in each cell of every living organism. From microorganisms and insects to plants and animals, including humans. Think of DNA as nature's instruction manual for each organism's development and functioning. Encoded within this DNA are the genes that act as the guiding architects, orchestrating characteristics such as height, skin tone, and even finer details like the captivating color of your eyes.
Our genetic code is an inheritance from our parents, forming a unique combination of genes – one inherited from each parent. The genes in this duo play a fascinating tug-of-war in shaping who we are. One gene can be dominant, asserting its influence and determining a specific characteristic, while the other gene might be recessive, its effects hidden, but waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.
For instance, imagine having one parent who's tall and another who's on the shorter side, yet you find yourself towering over the family. This scenario demonstrates the fascinating interplay of dominant and recessive genes in your height characteristic. In this case, 'tallness' emerges as the dominant gene, effectively expressing its influence over the recessive one, and thus defining your unique stature.
Genes, in most cases, are reshuffled from generation to generation. However, some genes can have errors resulting in serious illnesses such as cancer. Faulty genes are often referred to as “mutated genes” or “gene mutations”. Mutations can be inherited from parents or occur spontaneously. When these mutations cause disease or other health conditions they are referred to as “genetic disorders” or “genetic diseases”
Gene editing
Gene editing is a technology that allows scientists to make precise changes to an organism's DNA (its genetic code) by adding, deleting, or replacing specific DNA sequences.

How it works
In a nutshell gene editing works by identifying then cutting pieces of DNA. A component known as CRISPR ( Pronounced kri.spuh) is used to pinpoint the precise DNA sequence within the gene to be altered. An enzyme, Cas9 is introduced allowing it to be changed or replaced by another string of DNA that is introduced at the same time. This can either replace a faulty gene with a healthier one or change a gene to make it behave differently. Think of CRISPR and Cas9 as a find-and-replace tool.

Gene editing can be used to improve human health. In 2015, for example, doctors used gene editing to cure a baby girl's leukemia. Scientists are also using gene editing to edit T cells in a person's body to target and destroy cancer cells. More applications are being made in the fields of agriculture in creating drought-resistant crops and in conservation to save species at the brink of extinction using intro vitro fertilization.
In future gene editing could be used in human embryos to alter characteristics such as eye colour, height, skin pigmentation, muscle mass, disease resistance and even intelligence. In layman's terms, gene editing can be used to create “custom babies”

The cost of genetic perfection
While gene editing holds the promise of immense benefits for humanity, we must approach this powerful technology with great care and consideration. The expense involved in utilizing gene editing technologies can potentially create a divide between those who can access it and those who cannot. This divide could lead to a world where the wealthiest individuals have the means to engineer 'super babies' through genetic modifications, while those with limited resources find themselves at a significant disadvantage.
Consider for a moment a staggering statistic: according to an Oxfam article in the Guardian, published on 21st January 2019, the 26 richest people own as much wealth as the bottom 3.8 billion people. Read that again
The Oxfam report adds that between 2017 and 2018 a new billionaire was created every two days. A report by Reuters on January 26th 2021 shows that the accumulated wealth of the top ten richest people is enough to alleviate the entire human population from poverty. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the collective wealth of the world’s billionaires rose from $3.9 trillion between March and December 2020 to $11.95 trillion. The rich simply got richer. This alarming wealth disparity reminds us of the growing economic divide in our world. With advancements like gene editing, the rich and poor will not only be divided economically but biologically as well. In this possible future, we might find ourselves rewriting Darwin's principle of 'survival of the fittest.' Instead, it could become a matter of 'survival of the richest.'
On the social front, the rise of gene editing may introduce complex questions regarding the definition of 'normal.' As the capabilities of gene editing expand, it's likely that societies will grapple with defining what is considered an 'acceptable' genetic alteration. This discussion extends to issues like beauty standards, cognitive enhancements, and even ethical concerns surrounding designer babies. The line between medical necessity and personal preference becomes blurred, potentially leading to social stigmatization and discrimination against those who do not conform to certain genetic 'ideals.
Furthermore, we must consider the ethical and philosophical dilemmas gene editing poses. The ability to modify the genetic makeup of individuals raises questions about identity, autonomy, and consent. Do we have the right to alter the genetic destiny of unborn generations without their say? How do we balance the desire for genetic enhancements with the principles of individuality and diversity?
In addition to these issues, there's the potential for discrimination based on genetic attributes. Societies could become segregated, with genetic 'haves' and 'have-nots,' leading to social stratification based on one's genetic makeup.
It's crucial to engage in thoughtful and responsible discussions encompassing both economic and social aspects, to shape ethical guidelines and enact equitable regulations that ensure these transformative technologies benefit all of humanity, rather than driving divisions or furthering existing disparities. As we navigate the future of gene editing, we must remember that its impact extends far beyond the economic realm, profoundly influencing the very fabric of our societies and our shared humanity.
